These phones are superceded by the DT-300 Range.
Panasonic KXT 7636
Handsfree Speakerphone with 6-Line Back Lit Display and 24-Line Keys.
Handsfree Speakerphone
Panasonic KXT 7633
Handsfree Speakerphone with 3-Line Back Lit Display and 24-Line Keys.
Panasonic KXT 7630
Handsfree Speakerphone with 3-Line Display and 24-Line Keys.
Panasonic KXT 7668
Entry Level Proprietary Telephone - Handsfree speakerphone, 1-line LCD and 8 line keys.
Entry Level Telephone
Panasonic KXT 7710
Standard SLT with Message Waiting Feature.
Standard SLT
Panasonic KXT 7640
60-Key DSS Console - for IP Handset and all T7600 Series.
DSS Console
Panasonic KXT 7603
12 key add-on module for the KXT7636 and KXT7633.
Add-on Module